Sunday, March 20, 2005

I just got my telenor connection... having experienced all the four GSM networks of Pakistan, I think i'm in a situation where I can comment about their pricing and service.

Firstly, Mobilink (May Be Link) sent an SMS to all its custommers today stating

"Breaking News for jazz Customers: ALL calls to ALL networks, at local rates. Outgoing airtime for only Rs.3.5/min for ALL calls! Aur Sunao!"

And people thought, Mobilink was back in... It's simply a CHEAT! Do u see the word "AIRTIME"? So they dont have to give a * any more... No, not even the one which requires a 16X microscope... they are saying the truth, but a totally twisted... I tried to dial a Ufone number from my Mobilink number when the balance reached Rs.6.5, failed... Not enough balance...

3.5/min Airtime for ALL calls to ALL networks... What's Airtime? Simply the charges that you pay to speak from you phone, irrespective of where you called... It's simply for the communications from your mobile to the Mobilink server (or any other network) from where the call is re-routed through the existing PTCL infrastructure to your destination...

So do you pay only Rs.3.5/min when you call from a Mobilink Karachi number to a Lahore Land Line?

No you pay Rs.3.5/min airtime and around Rs.12/min for PTCL NWD charges from Karachi to Lahore... Mobilink just hides this, as does PaktelGSM...

I worked around with Telenor, and the case is different for Telenor Pakistan. It doesnt use the word "airtime" anywhere in its packages... After experimenting a few numbers, I have concluded that ALL calls to ALL networks (even long distance PTCL fixed lines) are for Rs.4.5/min from Telenor...

This 4.5/min also uncludes the 15% CED, NWD charges and the Air time...

Where as the rates advertised by
PaktelGSM as 3.75/min
MobilinkGSM as 3.5/min
UfoneGSM as 3/min , 1.5/min
are just AIRTIME charges...

so simply add 15% CED (tax) charges in the above mentioned rates to get the Paktel to Paktel, Mobilink to Mobilink and Ufone to Ufone Charges...

What about other networks? Besides Telenor, all other networks are also applicable for NWD/PTCL charges...

That means if you dial a local fixed line number from any of the above mentioned packages, simply add Rs.2 per 5 minutes in the above mentioned AirTime charges...
Similarly, if you make a Lahore PTCL call from a Karachi Mobilink, you will have to add Rs.12/min in addition to the above mentioned AirTime charges (Not in Telenor)

Telenor has exempted all this... In reality, PaktelGSM and MobilinkGSM have joined to Liar's club by deceiving its customers about AirTime and actual call charges...

My Choice: Telenor (if you have a plenty of long distance and other network calls)
Ufone: Girl-Friend, Boy Friend.... Both have Ufone, speak for Rs.1.5/min after 10pm
Mobilink: For people who just dial Mobilink numbers, (companies?)
PaktelGSM: Not recomended...