Saturday, May 03, 2008
Fatima is a young girl whose heart wants to enjoy
every breath that she takes,
every sight that she experiences,
every edible that she swallows,
every sound that she listens,
every object that she caresses,
but unfortunately she cannot,
as she is a 14 years old girl who has got ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease) which in simple words means that her kidneys are 0% functioning. So in order to remove nitrogenous waste products from her blood, she should receive 2 sessions of hemodialysis twice a week, each for 4 hrs.
But the cost of each dialysis session is Rs.1500 (Rs.12000/month).And his father gets a daily wage of Rs.300 (Rs.9000/month).So being unable to afford this, he cries and weeps to everyone whenever his daughter needs dialysis.
What one should learn is that everyone should Thank the Almighty God for each & every organ that he has given us. And not to waste money in visiting expensive hotels, buying new wardrobe, purchasing luxurious cars & acquiring elegant houses.
Instead one should regularly visit the hospitals and try to manage the expenditures of the poor people and to also give them moral support.
What you will get in response will be infinite no. of prays and a beautiful life in this world & in the next one.
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